The Cabin is an enhanced resources centre supporting pupils with autism in several of the Trust’s schools. This strongly aligns with the core Trust principles of excellence in education and comprehensive education and fits fully with the core aim of ‘Excellence for All’.
The Cabin is not an entity with any legal status. Pupils must be on roll at one of the Trust’s schools. The Cabin provides significant and specialist support for the pupils receiving additional funding who qualify for this provision. This enables their educational development to be supported within a mainstream setting, something that is judged not to be possible without the enhanced resourcing and provision from The Cabins. The Trust’s schools that currently host a ‘Cabin’ are:
Governance for The Cabins feeds through the local governance of each individual school-based Cabin. The pupils are on roll at a named school and hence are the responsibility of that school. However, the scale of the provision (now more than 100 pupils across various Trust schools) and the accompanying level of resource and significance for the Trust are such that the Trust wishes to ensure that there is a mechanism of over-arching Trust governance for The Cabin, in addition to the local governance associated with each school that has a Cabin.
The Cabin Strategic Board will focus on overseeing The Cabin’s work and development. It will be formed of relevant experts and stakeholders who can help to guide strategy and hold to account. The Strategic Board will report to the Trust’s Standards and Curriculum committee that in turn reports to the full Board of The Cam Academy Trust.
The Cabin strategic Board will have the following terms of reference:
The membership of The Cabin Strategic Board will be as follows:
You can find more information on the Strategic Board Members here.
It is expected that The Cabin Strategic Board will meet at least three times each year. It will be deemed to be quorate if at least 50% of the members of the Board are present at the meeting. Meetings may take place either in person or remotely. This will be confirmed for each scheduled meeting.